Tuesday, February 4, 2014


With 2 Feb 14 being the 2nd annual Rheumatoid Awareness Day, I had posted various data on my Facebook page. Posts that were meant to educate family/friends or at least to help them understand.

I get a call yesterday from a relative, checking in to see how everyone is feeling. Somewhere in the conversation, my Rheumatoid Disease (arthritis) became the topic.

At one point, the relative said something about it still being a factor and that it will get better. I explained that this isn't just arthritis. That my immune system is attacking my body and that my internal organs are affected as well. That there is no known cure. I even explained how one of my paternal aunts passed away from another autoimmune disease. 

You know, stuff I post and explain a lot. But "I haven't gotten to talk to you." was the reply. Ummmm. Yes, there have been plenty of conversations about it. Especially since I am going on my 4th year after finally being diagnosed. Even my husband has explained it to people/family.

I just wanted to bang my head against the desk.

I try very hard to educate people, I guess there are those that just don't want to or care to be educated. 

As for my RD pain, today is a good day. Even with the wonky weather we had last week, we are finally staying cold for a while. Most would think it is bad, but as long at the barometric pressure is steady, pain is minimal. I really hate that the steroid shot helped. But, I know sometimes we have to do things that are good for us. 

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